

2. 最初に起動すると、ウェルカム画面がでますのでそのまま”Continue”ボタンをタップ。
3.   プッシュ通知を許可する、アドレス帳を読み込んでもよいかのポップアップがでるのでOK, Allowをタップ。

4.   手にもっているiPhoneの番号を入力して”Continue"ボタンをタップ。

5.    数秒後、自分の電話番号あてにViberからアクセスコードがSMSで届きます。

6.   SMSの画面からViberに切り替えて、届いたアクセスコードを入力し、”Enter Viber”ボタンをクリックしたら完了です。

*SMSでアクセスコードが届かないときは「Viber :SMSでアクセスコードが取れないときは。を参考にしてみてください。
これで、Viber User同士でかなりよい音質のフリー通話がすることができます。

5 件のコメント:

  1. Hello,
    This is a member of the Viber Development Team!
    Excuse me, my Japanese is not so good, so I will write in English :)

    Thank you for your review of Viber. we are very happy that so many people worldwide are interested in our application.

    I would just like to add that Viber will be available for Android in February-March. Viber will also allow to send Text Messages very soon.

    If you have any question about Viber - please feel free to ask.

    Thank you,
    the Viber Team.

  2. Thanks for your comment, the Viber Development Team!

    I would like other Japanese iPhone Users to use Viber more easier, so I'm translating Viber official support in Japanese.

    I am interested in localization, of course, I love Viber! I keep translating English to Japanese.

    Thank you.

  3. You are welcome!

    We are working on localization of our website and support forums, but thank you for your help.

  4. nice, I am happy to hear that! I hope localized website and support form will be good working :)

  5. Hi,

    I'm excited to announce that Viber 1.1 has just been released.
    This new version focuses on the addition of small new features, and mainly - bug fixes.
    For release notes and the full fix list, I invite you to visit Viber's AppStore page and download Viber 1.1

    In addition, I would like to draw your attention to our major updates in our Privacy Policy. We changed confusing clauses and made them much clearer, in accordance to users' feedback.
    We would like to thank you for that feedback in the past 2 months, that allowed us to improve and better our service noticeably.

    If you have any questions, don't hesistate to ask.

    Thank you,
    Viber Media.
